
What? When? Where? Why? Who? How?

Amusing - the word is an understatement for the kind of impact these question marks have, on our day to day life. The world is a mystery and these words, act as a starting point as we explore more and more about anything and everything.

All that we have done so far, are doing right now and will be doing in the near future was, is and will be QUESTIONED, either by someone, or us or the forces around us.

What attracted me to give it a thought was a world without them. No authority, no restrictions, no-one to answer and the best of all, NO QUESTIONS.

The essence of these essentials are the motive/s behind them. We QUESTION - of-course we do, but we do that for a motive. Now, this motive could be anything ranging from, acquiring knowledge about someone, something, place or event to fulfilling a purpose.

Could there be a question without a motive or a motive without a purpose? The pre-positions and the post-positions of this topic are beyond the horizon of my imagination. 

And you, any thoughts?


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