All That Matters
What is it that matters the most?
All that is counted, is something that cannot be counted!
Life is a race, with a lot of break-points, blocks of hurdles to overcome and a destination to reach - but as we progress onto our journey, we loose something or the other, to gain that something we always wanted. The realization, what we want, how we want, where we want, why we want...may have different shades of aspirations, demand, need of the hour and the last of it - a satisfaction limit.
We strive and we strive too hard to acheive, putting our heart and soul and blood and sweat to reach our goal. But, what after that?
The answer is very simple as it can be - we frame a new goal, a new destination. Nothing more can be said and nothing more can be done - that is HUMAN PSYCHOLOGY. This tendency of human beings, to drift from an already acheived goal gives rise to a new aspiration and the journey begins again.
Ever thought, if Steve Jobs or Mark Zuckerberg or Bill Gates or Ratan Tata or Claudio Ozario would have been satisfied with all that they have acheived, we would not have seen them growing any further.
We choose a goal, work hard to acheive it and the moment we acheive it, we look forward and choose another goal. The vicious cycle of these human aspirations drive mankind, and the innovations and advancements that we see everyday are undoubtedly, the result of it.
Why not stop by to celebrate some precious moments in between?
Hop in for some rest, be with our near and dear ones, let them know how important they are and make oneself comfortable at home and at ease before we decide on a new voyage, a new journey. But the answer we get everytime is - this is not the time to celebrate, let us wait for that big moment to celebrate and that big moment will be sometime in future.
That future may never come and we may miss those precious moments we could have lived in, waiting for that big moment to come. Those bits and pieces of joy, those silos of celebrations are much more than the one we wait for.
Take a break, shed off worries and LIVE it!
People say, Life is too long to be lived and the time we have is too less. Then why do we have to waste it? Live it as if there is no tommorow.
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